Blogs posted in March 2012

Translating EPiServer Category names

Mar 28, 2012  

A collegue asked how to translate EPiServer category names so this is a "note to self" for future reference. 

The format of the XML you need to add in the /lang folder to translate or localise EPiServer categories is as follows:

Truffler in two hours - Adding Truffler search to an EPiServer site in two hours

Mar 12, 2012  

I have wanted to add search to this site for a while. This site is built on EPiServer and also uses PageTypeBuilder so I had previously toyed with the idea of the built in EPiServer search. However I never quite got round to it and wanted to learn something new (working with EPiServer and its features are part of the day job after all).

I learned about through all round coding/EPiServer guru Joel Abrahamsson so decided it was a great place to start when adding search to this site.