As part of the Episerver platform, Episerver Insight and Episerver Campaign are integrated to share data. This data includes things such as email tracking of sends, opens and clicks from Episerver Campaign into Episerver Insight and also segments created in Episerver Insight for use in outbound campaigns in Episerver Campaign. Some examples are shown below: 

Insight segments in Campaign

Campaign tracking data in Insight

At this point it’s worth noting that Episerver Campaign has a capability called "post clicks". In Campaign terms these are events that would typically happen after (i.e. post) the click of an email, hence the name. They are a collection of events that can be used to let Campaign know about what a user has done after or before an email has been clicked (as long as the user is identified). Episerver Insight tracks user events too so it may be desirable to let Campaign know about these very granular events by using post clicks.

Why would you do this? By letting Campaign know about the events we track in Insight it lets Campaign users define granular target groups for use in marketing automation campaigns, outbound campaigns or even in message/email content that could be aware specific page(s) a user has visited, products a customer has bought etc.

So this post describes how it’s possible to send tracking events in Insight as post click data in Campaign enabling even more powerful target group and marketing capabilities in Episerver Campaign.

The work is done using an Episerver tracking interceptor that checks if the user is indentified with an email address and if so, generates a post click request. The full code is 170 lines and can be pasted into any solution that uses Episerver Insight tracking. It's available on Gist: 

Example - target group for users who have viewed pages with /men/ in the URL and received an outbound campaign email

Example - send an email once an order has been placed for more than £100 GBP

Example - use deep analytics to report on commerce transactions

Its also possible to create highly customised reports showing which part of your customer audience generates most revenue or visits your web site most often or even how much revenue an outbound campaign created:

The target groups can be used to check whether users have for example purchased products, viewed categories, or seen particular pages on a site. These target groups can in turn be used to create very powerful marketing automation flows by having a full aweness of a customer’s journey on the site when sending a mail.

Setting up post click data in Episerver Campaign

If you intend to use this please get in touch with your Episerver customer success representative to ensure the post click tracking is configured in your client correctly to receive the data. For reference the following mapping is used to map Insight tracking events to Campaign post click data:

Service namePost click property
epiPageView gvalue1 URL of the page being viewed
  fvalue1 1 - a count of the number of times the page was viewed, used to total counts in Target Groups
basket fvalue1 Basket total value
  fvalue2 Number of items in the basket
  gvalue1 Basket currency
category gvalue1 URL of the category being viewed
  gvalue2 String value representing the category, e.g. Mens > Shoes
  fvalue1 1 - a count of the number of times the page was viewed, used to total counts in Target Groups
product gvalue1 Product code being viewed
  gvalue2 URL of the product being viewed
  fvalue1 1 - a count of the number of times the page was viewed, used to total counts in Target Groups
order fvalue1 Order total
  fvalue2 Order sub-total
  fvalue3 Order shipping
  gvalue1 The order number



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