Blogs posted in March 2020

Enable preview and on page edit for partial views in Episerver edit mode

Mar 27, 2020  

Episerver has a great capability that allows content to rendered inside content areas called partial views. This allows an alternative rendering of a piece of content when displayed in content areas. Its often used for teaser type capability where editors take something from the tree and drags it onto a content area. However it's not possible to preview what these partial views will look like easily without actually dragging them onto a content area and trying it.

I wanted editors to be able to see what a partial view would look like and also allow them to edit the content behind it using on page edit before publishing some content. This can be done using a preview controller and a display channel to allow switching to a partial view preview (even if it's not the exact use that content channels are meant to be used for!).

Seeing it in action

Use multiple windows in Microsoft Teams

Mar 13, 2020  

If you are a Microsoft Teams user and want to work using mutliple windows then this tip is for you.

Sometimes I find I want to do 2 things on Microsoft Teams at the same time. Something like having two chat windows visible at the same time rather than switching between two chats in the Teams UI. However Teams doesn’t support multiple windows at the moment. To get around this you can log into the web version of teams by browsing to and clicking the “Use the web app instead” link as shown below: