Posts tagged as "Opinion"
Episerver 2016 - a year in review
It has been a successful year for Episerver with ongoing platform developments, acquisitions, open source modules being released and developer meet ups taking place across the world. These all contributed to an exciting 2016 and an even more exciting 2017 ahead. This post is a quick write up to try and summarise some of the highlights from 2016 in Episerver.
Andriod - we need to talk
I was initially captivated by your flexibility, marvelled at your ability to be customised and wowed by some of your cool features like tethering and uploading my photos straight to Dropbox. I believed in you, I left iOS for you and ultimately I bought into you in the belief this could be something long lasting and solid.
I wanted to be just another consumer, like everyone else. I didn't want to bring my work home with me, debugging at 2am. I thought we would have uncomplicated fun together and it would just work. When things started going wrong I thought it was my fault, but realised the problem is not me, its you.