Posts tagged as "Episerver Campaign"

Create even more powerful campaigns in Episerver Campaign using Episerver Insight tracking

Feb 24, 2019  

As part of the Episerver platform, Episerver Insight and Episerver Campaign are integrated to share data. This data includes things such as email tracking of sends, opens and clicks from Episerver Campaign into Episerver Insight and also segments created in Episerver Insight for use in outbound campaigns in Episerver Campaign. Some examples are shown below: 

Unifying journeys with Episerver CMS, Episerver Campaign and Episerver Insight

Oct 23, 2018  

Episerver Campaign allows users to communicate at scale with outbound messaging on channels such as email, SMS and push notifications. One common requirement is to sign up for a newsletter which is managed and distributed by Episerver Campaign and to ensure that the profile of a user is the available when clicking a link in a email that opens on another device such as a smart phone or even another browser.

This post describes how its possible to load recipient information for user from Episerver Campaign using the Episerver Campaign Connector based on an inbound link to a site. The following steps describe what needs to happen:

Connecting Episerver Insight and Campaign (Episerver Ascend 2018 presentation)

May 21, 2018  

One of the sessions presented at Episerver Ascend London and Stockholm this year was called connecting Episerver Insight and Campaign. This presentation discussed how Episerver Insight and Campaign could be used together to create some user experiences that understood a customer's on-site and off-site interactions. Specifically it showed how Episerver Insight and Episerver Campaign could be used to create an on-site experience that was affected by off-site behaviours measured by Episerver Campaign (in this case interaction with email but could also be push notification or SMS).


The demo scenario is as follows:

Configuring the Episerver Campaign connector through code

Apr 23, 2018  

By default when installing the Episerver Campaign connector its possible to configure the connection through admin mode. However in some occasions (such as in development and test scenarios) it may be desirable to configure these credentials through code.

This posts describes how to configure the Episerver Campaign Connector through code using an Episerver initialisation module: 

Unique voucher/coupon codes in Episerver Commerce using Episerver Campaign

Oct 30, 2017  

Using Episerver Commerce it’s possible to offer discounts to customers using the built in discount engine. Discounts can also have a coupon code associated meaning only customers who know that code can get the discount. However, it’s not possible to assign individual coupon codes for customers using Episerver Commerce alone. On the other hand Episerver Campaign can create, allocate and distribute unique coupon codes to customers.