Posts tagged as "Episerver Forms"

Creating a "submitted form" KPI for Episerver A/B testing

Sep 04, 2017  

“Episerver Often for non-commerce sites getting forms filled in and submitted is one of the most common goals of a site, usually for lead generation or to collect some other kind of user information that can be used by the organisation such as newsletter sign ups. In order to get people to fill in on-site forms editors should be able to experiment with their content to try and encourage users to fill in forms on their site(s). To help with this Episerver has built in A/B testing capabilities to allow users to experiment with different content versions measured against a KPI that’s the desired outcome. However there is no default KPI to check if a user submits a form.

Visitor Group criteria for Episerver Forms

Jan 11, 2016  

Episerver Forms is a new add-on that vastly improves the form capabilities over the legacy xforms implementation. However (at the time of writing) Episerver forms does not come with a set of visitor group criterion that will allow editors to personalise a user’s experience based on their interactions with forms on the site.

Building out a custom form element with the new Episerver forms

Jan 06, 2016  

When working with the new Episerver Forms its possible to build out custom forms elements that can be used just like the built in form elements (by simply dragging and dropping them onto the form area). Maris Krivtezs has already written about creating a custom forms field but I wanted to expand this further and create a custom form element with a custom icon, translation etc.

So in this example I’m going show how to create a simple "Restricted text box" element that extends the built in Text element to create a textbox that only allows a certain number of characters in a textbox.