Posts tagged as "Virtual Template System"

UI enhancements in Virtual Template System v3.5 for Episerver

Jan 03, 2020  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available with some UI enhancements. Virtual Template System allows users to view and edit templates in the Episerver UI.

Specifically the enhancements are as follows:

  • The revert button is now either green or red. Green indicating that the template is the same as the one on disk, red meaning the template is different so should be reverted with caution
  • When saving a template using the "Save" button the confirmation message now disappears as soon as an editor changes it
  • The path is now clickable to either edit or view a template depending on whether its virtualised or not
  • Now possible to choose to search in file names only, rather than whole file contents
  • Minor bug fixes 

A quick video can be seen here to show the changes:

Updating custom Episerver modules to work with the new Episerver platform UI

Jun 26, 2019  

The latest version of the Episerver UI comes with a new look which changes up how things work and is intended to create a consistent look/feel across all parts of the Episerver platform. The UI update as described in the CMS UI refresh post and is designed to be an opt in so for any existing modules the UI should remain the same.

The blog describes how I updated Virtual Template System for Episerver to be compatible with the new Episerver Platform UI.

Virtual Template System - UI enhancements

Mar 10, 2019  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available with some UI enhancements. Virtual Template System allows users to view and edit templates in the Episerver UI.

The updates can be seen in the video below:


Specifically the enhancements are as follows:

Virtual Template System - Find in files now available

Oct 08, 2018  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available that adds the ability to search in file contents. This runs a case-insentive search on the file contents and also on the file name. This now means its possible to quickly search through all templates when looking at a live site to try and track down the template that was rendering a particular piece of content. In the example above I quickly track down the template that's used to render the contacts in Alloy:

Virtual Template System - Version history and compare now available

Sep 05, 2018  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available that adds the ability to see a version history of the template from the UI. It also changes some of the UI to add icons. 

The version history can now be accessed by clicking on the changed by button as shown below:

Virtual Template System - v3.0 available with UI updates, fixes and internal changes

Aug 11, 2018  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available with UI updates, bug fixes and refactoring to the internals. Virtual Template System allows users to view and edit templates in the Episerver UI.

The updated UI can be seen in the video below:

Virtual Template System - Diff/merge feature now available

Jul 30, 2018  

A new version of Virtual Template System is now available that adds the ability to diff and merge an edited template with the original version that is deployed on disk. Virtual Template System allows users to view and edit templates in the Episerver UI.

The diff/merge tool can be seen in action in the video below:

Virtual Template System for Episerver (re)launched

Jul 24, 2018  

Some time ago I built an add-on that allowed users to edit the Views/CSS/JS that are used to deliver an Episerver site called Virtual Template System. This has now been updated to be compatible with Episerver 11.

Why would we wish to let users edit templates in the UI?

Clients are in a rush, editors are continually getting smarter and are more demanding too. People hate waiting for the dev team or a deployment to happen particularly when the issue can be solved with a simple template change. In short people just don't want to wait and with the right power/skills users should be given the power to make changes themselves as long as they have a full understanding of the consequences.